CReation Science Presentations

by Randy Gehman

Does Genesis Really Matter?

A presentation designed for 7th grade - adult.

Genesis is foundational for the understanding of all of Scripture. What one believes about Genesis affects how one understands the Bible. Addresses many of the compromise positions. Was Noah's flood "local"? Could God have used evolution? Were the days of Genesis 24 hours? Does it even matter? This presentation is the logical starting point for any series of talks on creation and evolution.

Creation & Evolution: An Overview
A good overview presentation for churches and youth groups. Recommended for 7th grade - adult.

This basic overview of the creation/evolution controversy examines some of the major arguments for evolution and the problems with each. Topics include: fossils, arguments for bird and horse evolution, similar structures in creatures and more. Also discussed is the significance of worldview or presuppositions in the interpretation of data and an explanation of created kinds and how things change.

Dinosaurs and the Bible

A popular presentation, recommended for 5th grade - adult.

This presentation looks at many evidences of man and dinosaurs coexisting. In art, literature, architecture and oral traditions throughout the ages, man has recorded his encounters with these creatures in some surprising ways. Also discussed is the origin of these animals and why the word “dinosaur” does not appear in Scripture but a description does! Finally, consideration is given to the disappearance of these awesome creatures and what we can learn from them.

The Age of the Earth

This thought provoking talk is geared for 7th grade - adult.

Our culture says that the world is billions of years old, but there is compelling evidence that the Earth can not be that old. This presentation examines numerous cases of processes thought to take thousands or millions of years happening in a few weeks, days, or even hours! A detailed look at the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens gives insight into the rapid formation of rock strata, canyons, and coal. Additionally, Scripture is examined for evidences on why the literal view of a six-day creation week is an important doctrine.

Molecules, Monuments, and Man

This relevant presentation is geared for high school - adult.

People are amazed when they hear details about the technology of ancient civilizations. How could primitive peoples accomplish so much? It only makes sense from the biblical framework of the creation of intelligent people. This presentation takes a look at the arguments for human evolution and deals specifically with the current, often cited comparison of chimp and human DNA.

Clearly Seen

This presentation is based on Romans 1:18-20.

God's eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen through what has been made. This "general revelation" of God's existence is plain for all to see. No one has an excuse to not know God exists. This presentation looks at specific things that are an impossibility for evolution, feathers, DNA, information and more! God's "special revelation," the Bible gives us additional insight into God's person and character and invites us into personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

Fossil Secrets
This  presentation is designed for 7th grade - adult.

Fossils are amazing and people are fascinated with these remains of past life. Sadly, however, many people equate the idea of fossils with evolution. In fact, fossils are probably the most commonly cited evidence for evolution. But while most people, from childhood on up, only hear one side of this argument, there are many new fossil discoveries which remain largely unknown. Discoveries that stand in opposition to evolution. Do you know these fossil secrets?

Doesn’t Science Disprove Christianity?

This presentation best suited for high school - adult.

Often people misunderstand the nature of science.  By definition, science cannot confirm nor deny anything outside of the physical realm.  So while science can not prove nor disprove God, there are tremendous evidences of His existence and working in our world.  Topics include the fine tuning of the universe and the sophisticated design within the cell, 


This presentation is designed for 7th grade - adult.

Both frogs and butterflys have an interesting story to tell through their body design changes.  These changes are far more complex than meets the eye and point to a special creation of God.  Learn not only of the impossibility of these processes developing by evolution but see how God wants to transform us as well by the renewing of our minds.

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This presentation best suited for high school - adult.

Life is a gift from God and could never come about by trial and error processes. And yet, those with an atheistic evolutionary worldview must disagree. Their faith in their worldview requires that life has arisen spontaneously.  This talk emphasizes the impossibility of the spontaneous generation of life and points out that to achieve spiritual life on our own strength, effort or merit is as impossible as physical life springing up from non-living material.